SEGs: Are They Worth The Money?

why secure email gateways are outdated

SEGs: Are They Worth The Money?

why secure email gateways are outdated

It’s 2024, and yet here we are, still obsessing over why secure email gateways are outdated and treating them like the ultimate solution to our cybersecurity problems. Every major cybersecurity company is still pushing SEGs like they’re the only thing standing between us and a data disaster. Meanwhile, hackers have moved on to greener, more vulnerable pastures. But hey, let’s just keep reinforcing that front door while the back gate is wide open.

For years, email was the golden goose of attack vectors. Phishing emails dominated the scene, with hackers spamming inboxes relentlessly, tricking users into clicking on malicious links or downloading dangerous attachments. Back in 2018, an astounding 92% of cyberattacks came through email. It made perfect sense then to focus on beefing up email security. But, fast forward five years, and that number has dropped to around 64%. Yet here we are, still pouring millions into SEGs like it’s the early 2010s. 

So, why are we still so obsessed with email gateways? Sure, they once played a critical role in protecting businesses from cyber threats, but times have changed. It’s as if we’re building a fortress around our front door while burglars are simply strolling in through the open back gate, waving as they make off with our valuables. Newsflash: Phishing emails are just one piece of the puzzle now. Yet, many in the cybersecurity world continue to treat email security like it’s the whole game.

But the game has changed, and hackers have evolved.

The Shifting Landscape of Cyberattacks: It’s Not Just Email Anymore

While we’ve been busy fortifying our email gateways, hackers have been getting a lot more creative. They’ve shifted focus to social media platforms, collaboration tools, and cloud-based apps—basically, anywhere businesses communicate and store data. Ever received a suspicious LinkedIn request or a shady Zoom invite? That’s where the real action is happening now. Hackers know that businesses are sinking their budgets into protecting their email inboxes, so they’ve moved on to easier targets.

It’s not just phishing emails anymore; it’s direct messages (DMs), social engineering attacks on collaboration tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams, and even infiltrating cloud-based platforms like Google Drive or Dropbox. These are the new hunting grounds for cybercriminals, and they’re getting bolder by the day. Unfortunately, while hackers are evolving, most businesses are still stuck in the past, thinking their shiny new SEG will save them from threats that have long since bypassed email.

The Need for a Broader Approach: Protect More Than Just Your Inbox

At this point, focusing solely on email security is like investing all your money in Blockbuster stocks when Netflix is already dominating the game. Hackers are no longer living exclusively in your inbox. They’re in your social media DMs, your cloud storage, and your video calls. We can’t afford to keep pretending that email gateways are the be-all and end-all of protection. Businesses need to start broadening their cybersecurity approach—fast.

If they don’t, they’ll keep wondering why their fancy, expensive SEG didn’t prevent the next big breach. It’s simple: Hackers have moved beyond email, and it’s about time we did, too. Cybersecurity isn’t just about guarding the front door anymore; it’s about protecting the whole house—every entry point, every system, every vulnerable spot that criminals can exploit.

Time to Reassess Your Cybersecurity Strategy

So, where does this leave SEGs? They’re still useful, don’t get me wrong. But they’re addressing a shrinking part of the overall problem. Relying solely on an SEG in today’s threat landscape is like using a Nerf gun to stop a missile—good luck with that! It’s time to reassess our cybersecurity strategies and stop relying on outdated technologies to solve modern problems.

A comprehensive approach means looking beyond email. It involves safeguarding collaboration tools, monitoring cloud environments, and staying one step ahead of social engineering attacks on social media platforms. Cybercriminals are constantly evolving, and we need to evolve with them. If your business is still sinking resources into SEGs without considering the bigger picture, you’re leaving yourself open to attacks from every direction except the one you’re guarding.

What Can Be Done? A Call to Action for Modern Cybersecurity

It’s time to move beyond this outdated focus on email gateways and start addressing the broader scope of vulnerabilities. Start by evaluating your current cybersecurity practices. Are you placing too much emphasis on email security while neglecting other critical areas? What’s your plan for social media threats, cloud security breaches, and phishing attempts via collaboration tools?

Businesses must begin adopting a holistic cybersecurity strategy. SEGs can still play a role, but they’re not the silver bullet they once were. It’s time to start guarding against next-gen threats and future-proofing your defenses. Focus on more than just your inbox—because hackers certainly are.

If you’re still betting everything on an email gateway, you’re betting on yesterday’s solution. Instead, broaden your scope, secure your entire network, and stay ahead of the game. Because if we don’t catch up to the criminals, they’re going to leave us in the dust, laughing all the way to the bank.

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